Ομιλητής: Fabio Faustini
Ημερομηνία: 17.01.2020
Ώρα: 17:30-19:30
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Διάρκεια: 120’
Είδος: Workshop
Μοριοδότηση από ΕΟΟ: 3 Μόρια
Αίθουσα: Estia (Business Centre, 1ος όροφος)
Τιμή: 60€
Full arch on 4/6 : A modern solution in total rehabilitations
The Full Arch on 4/6 protocol is an innovative surgical procedure for the rehabilitation of edentulous jaws or patients with terminal dentition.
For a lot of time, the bone graft was gold standard in atrophic mandible and maxilla.
This technique is expensive, with high morbidity, unsuitable for all patients and requires long time healing.
We can use a low number of implants to obtain rehabilitation. This surgical technique allows the treatment of a significantly greater number of patients, while avoiding the need for complex grafting procedures.
We will treat about the original procedure and the development of techniques for the severe atrophy.
FullArch implant, JDNasal Implant, JDzygoma and Pterygoid Implant are instruments in our hands to solve all type of conditions. At the end of the lecture we will have a complete vision that will allow us to diagnose and treat any rehabilitation.
Topics Lecture
Full Arch on 4, Nasal Implant, Pterygoid implant, Zygoma implant, Severe atrophy
Hands on
Full on four doesn’t mean using 4 implants to make a fixed prosthesis, it is a reasoned method that requires several steps. In the hand-on session we will have the opportunity to learn more the protocol to be successful. we will understand how to use the JD guide, the positioning of the implants and how to realize a simple and predictable immediate load. Many little tricks that will solve our problems in everyday practice.