Ομιλητής: Alberto Miselli
Ημερομηνία: 17.01.2020
Ώρα: 15:00-17:00
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Διάρκεια: 120’
Είδος: Workshop
Μοριοδότηση από ΕΟΟ: 3 Μόρια
Αίθουσα: Estia (Business Centre, 1ος όροφος)
Τιμή: 60€ (Η συμμετοχή καλύπτεται πλήρως από τον Πλατινένιο Χορηγό)
The Emergence Profile: the area where Surgeon and prosthetic meet. The Umbrella Concept
The emergence Profile: how to make an individualized healing abutment and provisional with the biology in our mind. - Cervico VPI emergence Profile Mastering.
Tissue behavior in the dual zone depends on the biological space that is created, to maintain and preserve the marginal bone crest. The organization of fibroblasts, collagen fibers and the capillary vessels around the abutment-crown complex is essential for the feeding of the preimplant bone tissue and depends on the space granted at the time of restoration.
The main objective is to understand the biology in the dual zone and how to promote the stability of perimplant tissues over time.
The specific objectives are:
A. Determine the decision approach, before, during or after the Implant placement and the modifications with advantages and disadvantages.
B. How to develop a healing and abutment emergence mastering.
C. How to plan the decision of implant surgery in three-dimensional position.
Keywords, associated with the title of the conference: biological space, emergency profile, collagen fibers, capillary vessels, prosthetic planning, three-dimensional implant position
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