Ομιλητής: Dr Thomas Hanser
Ημερομηνία: 17.01.2020
Ώρα: 12:00 – 13:30
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Διάρκεια: 90’
Είδος: Masterclass
Μοριοδότηση από ΕΟΟ: 2,5 Μόρια
Αίθουσα: Ulysses (Business Centre, 1ος όροφος)
Τιμή: 60€
Tips and tricks for making bone grafting and soft tissue management predictable in reconstructive implant therapy
Evidence based treatment modalities available today allow the clinicians to address implant esthetic and functional issues with increasing predictability. New and innovative surgical hard and soft tissue enhancement techniques have been developed accordingly.
A safe bone graft harvesting technique as well as the biological and clinical factors that allow accelerate and successful bone transplant healing in lateral and vertical alveolar reconstructions by increasing the number of regenerated and vital osteocytes in the grafted area will be outlined. Several of hard and soft tissue augmentation procedures, including lateral and vertical reconstruction techniques, will be shown.
Above all the soft tissue management remains an important factor for natural esthetic outcome and for the healing of the grafted area. Early exposure of the transplanted bone by wound dehiscence is detrimental to the final result jeopardizing the possibility to place the implant in the anatomically correct position. Passive and tension-free soft tissue closure and the use of innovative incision techniques are playing an important role to reduce complications. The use of various flap designs and soft tissue augmentation techniques can help to get appropriate soft tissue engineering in all three dimensions and to get satisfaction with the esthetic result.
The emphasis of this workshop will be on the clinical management and understanding of the biological factors that influence esthetic and long-term hard and soft tissue stability by demonstrating numerous clinical cases and operation videos.
The participants will learn:
Hard Tissue Management
- safe retromolar bone block removal
- successful bone graft fixation
- predictable and long-term stable lateral and vertical bone block augmentation
- successful sinus lifting in the cases of severe alveolar atrophy
Soft Tissue Management
- Aesthetic soft tissue managment
- soft tissue graft harvesting and augmentation techniques
- flap designs for soft tissue closure to avoid postoperative complications
- tension free wound closure
- free and pedicle subepithelial connective tissue grafting to contouring missing volume in the esthetic zone
- tunneling technique
- flap designs and different techniques for second stage surgery
- creating fixed and keratinized peri-implant soft tissue
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